Prayer Trail
This trail is provided for your recreational and devotional use. The walk begins at the rear of the campus, behind the Tabernacle parking lot and leads you behind KidCentral and the Student Building, along the road beside the House, and finishing up on the sidewalk and back into the parking lot. The entire trail is about a half-mile in length and is paved with gravel/dirt. About 100 yards from the parking lot is a prayer circle with benches where you can sit, pray, or worship. We have placed prayer prompt markers throughout the walk, designed to lead you to a Scripture to meditate on, a question to ponder, a request to pray for, or a song to worship to. These prompts change throughout the year so keep checking back! Click the buttons below to see each prompt or scan the QR code at each signpost.

Please help us preserve and protect this area by respecting this resource.
No littering
No loud music
No motor vehicles
No alcohol
Prayer Trail Map