Sundays Plus (March '25)
23 March – 13 April 2025
KidCentral, the children’s ministry of Central Baptist, ministers to kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. With a volunteer team of over 40 adults, KidCentral provides a fun experience where kids learn that God is anything but boring. It is our desire to present a children’s ministry that keeps kids excited about God while teaching them biblical truth. Our dream is to see a crowd of kids who drag their parents to church so they can learn about Jesus, and not the other way around.
At Central, we love kids. We count it a joy and a privilege to work with children and most importantly share Jesus with them. We take seriously our role to partner with you to give children spiritual training that will affect them for a lifetime. There is nothing we would rather do with our time and abilities.
Outside of regular church, we offer many children’s activities throughout the year. We build relationships, have a great time, and learn about God at Summer Camp and a regular string of other outings. Please contact the church office to find out what exciting event is coming up for our kids.
With our Sunday morning sessions at 9am for kindergarten through 5th grade, we are committed to creating a fun and exciting environment in which our kids will enjoy learning about God. Bible Study for parents is also offered at the same time.
Our children’s department is staffed with awesome volunteers who grasp the importance of investing in children. As a team, we believe there is no more important ministry in the world. We take special care to ensure both the safety and spiritual training of your child.
KidCentral Live is the worship experience for kids at 5:30pm on Sundays in the KidCentral Building. This service is designed for your child to learn more about God and worship Jesus in an environment that they will love!
Jesus is not boring, He’s awesome, and at Central we believe the same should be said of children’s ministry. Every 6 weeks, we have “Bombdiggity” – a worship service for kids on Sunday mornings in the student center at 10am. We seek to offer innovative programming with skits, music, games, and stories designed specifically for your child.
Our Special Needs ministry is dedicated to helping children with developmental differences grow in understanding God’s love.
Instructional Soccer League
Grades K-5th
Spring season starts in March!
We also occasionally have KidLife Music & Drama: age-appropriate instruction in basic drama and music, preparing for a showcase of the presentation at the end of the session.