Spiritual Gifts Discovery
As a member of Central Baptist Church, you are essential to the health and strength of the body. We will only function as effectively as God intended if each member is doing its part. That is why we have a strong conviction that each member has a place in ministry. There are many ministry opportunities at Central for God to use your unique gifts and talents. Ministry descriptions are included in the Member’s Information packet.
This is an optional survey designed to assist you in identifying your strengths in ministry and service in the local church. It is not designed to be an exhaustive analysis of spiritual gifts, but instead to highlight areas of strength based on what motivates you spiritually (Romans 12:3-9). Your spiritual gifts may or may not be similar to your natural talents or acquired skills. Do not solely rely on this profile to determine your ministry. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you where God wants to use you.

Keep in mind when you score yourself that most of these are desirable traits for a Christian to have, and giving yourself a Never or Seldom on a particular trait does not mean that you are unspiritual, but rather that it is not a primary motivating factor for you as an individual. Once your primary areas of ministry strength are identified, we can then use this information to identify specific service opportunities which may be of interest to you.
Click here if you prefer to print a form to complete with a pencil/pen.
Are you ready to start?
Take a deep breath and begin . . .
After taking the spiritual gifts test, we’d love to hear where you feel called to serve! Simply fill out our volunteer form and let us know which area of ministry you’re interested in.