Bible Study so important to the life of a follower of Christ. The Bible is God’s Word breathed onto paper as He moved men to write. It reveals who God is and what He has done and desires of us. We believe that everyone should read their Bible regularly as an individual but we also believe that it is important to study the Bible within the confines of community. To study the Bible with others provides many opportunities for you to learn from other’s experiences and perspectives. It also provides a way of growing in community as you live out what you study in the Bible. We are called to be a loving, sharing, and inviting community. There are many groups available and we do not regulate who goes to which class. We encourage you to find the group that best suits you and that might mean trying several of them out.
Sundays at 9am
(infants-age 5) – Preschool
(6th-12th grade) – Student Center
(Kindergarten-5th grade) – KidCentral Building
(ages 18-25)
Teacher: Neil Phillips
Location: House Garage (CH 5)
Teacher: Amos Love & Don Ellis
Location: House Sunroom (CH 3)
40’s – 50’s
Teacher: Lamar Butler
Location: House first floor (CH 2)
Teacher: Dolan and Kristen Williams
Location: The Barn Right Side (CB 2)
Teacher: Pastor Cameron Cloud
Location: Tabernacle classroom (right of the stage)
Teacher: Dean Gaster
Location: Chapel Auditorium (A 100)
20’s – 40’s
Teacher: Jenni Neal
Location: Chapel Hallway (A 127a)
40’s – 50’s
Teacher: Teri Wagoner
Location: Chapel Hallway (A 131)
60’s +
Teacher: Betty Love
Location: Chapel Hallway (A 123)
20’s – 40’s
Teacher: James Neal
Location: The Barn left side (CB 1)
30’s – 60’s
Teacher: John Sorie
Location: Chapel (A 115)
Teacher: Juan Hernandez
Location: Chapel Hallway (A 129)